| 8th Grade Promotion Parade & Picnic Underwriter Includes Personal Recognition on POMS PTO Charger Chatter, Website & Social Media (No Business Promotions). Does not include Club 8 Package. more
| | $100.00 |
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| 8th Grade Dance Underwriter Includes Personal Recognition on POMS PTO Charger Chatter, Website & Social Media (No Business Promotions). Does not include Club 8 Package. more
| | $100.00 |
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| 8th Grade Breakfast Underwriter Includes Personal Recognition on POMS PTO Charger Chatter, Website & Social Media (No Business Promotions). Does not include Club 8 Package. more
| | $100.00 |
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| 8th Grade Activities Fund Donation Donate any amount to the 8th Grade Activities Fund. There is no donation amount too small! This fund will go toward t-shirts and dance tickets for those students who our Wraparound Services Coordinator has identified as having a financial hardship. | | $ | |
| 8th Grade Activities Corporate Sponsor Donate $250 or more to become a Corporate Sponsor. Please email company logo to be used on signage and website to sponsorship@pinoakpto.org. | | $ | |
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| 8th Grade Dance Ticket Only Ticket to 8th Grade Semi-Formal Dance - date TBD. Tickets will be sold at the door for $20 CASH ONLY. *DANCE IS FOR 8TH GRADE PIN OAK STUDENTS ONLY!* | | $15.00 |
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