Welcome Chargers!

Welcome to the POMS PTO website! Make sure you are logged in to view all content. If you can’t find what you are looking for, please contact us!


latest news

POMS Auction



Now that the dust has settled from Charger Rodeo week, we would love to outfit our amazing POMS teachers and staff with any remaining hoodies! For the reduced price of only $20, you can sponsor a staff member's hoodie!

Donate a Charger Rodeo Hoodie!


POMS 8th Grade Activities

Please see all of the exciting events we have planned for our 8th grade students!


 Help support our 8th Grade Activities - Be an Underwriter or Corporate Sponsor!

8th Grade Panoramic Photo is scheduled for Monday, April 7. All 8th graders need to wear a royal blue polo or royal blue spirit shirt!

You still have an opportunity to purchase a ticket to the 8th grade dance online. 


School Store


The school store is open for students during lunch. We have some new uniform items pictured above as well as novelty items for sale. The online school store is also open for your uniform needs. 

We still have some volunteer shifts available for the school store. 

Please feel free to reach out to Jean Lee or Thuy Promubol with any questions or concerns.


Sunshine Cart

The teacher snack carts are on the roll!

Please help us purchase items for the carts on our Amazon Wish List

Prefer to purchase items locally?

Please mark off the item(s) on the Amazon List, address the items to Wynne Erickson/PTO and bring them to the front office.


POMS Amazon Wish List

Please consider helping us purchase items on Pin Oak Amazon Wish List.

We have several wish list items needed for this school year.

Thank you so much for your generosity!


POMS Parent Photographers

With so many exciting events happening at Pin Oak throughout the school year, we are not always able to have a student photographer present to take photos. Therefore, we are asking parents who attend POMS events and take photos to share their best images with us so we can include them in our school yearbook.

Chargers Dungeons & Dragons Club


We are excited to continue our adventure at Pin Oak Middle School with the Charger Dungeons & Dragons Club. The club will run twice a month on Wednesday after school (4 - 5:30 PM) at Pin Oak Middle School. 

To indicate your interest in joining, students should complete the interest form.




social media



Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.


Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.



Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.