POMS 8th Grade Activities





The POMS 8th Grade Activities Committee has been busy planning the following events* celebrating the Class of 2025: 

  • Monday, April 7: 8th Grade Panoramic Photo
  • Friday, May 16, 6:45 - 9:00 PM: 8th Grade Semi-Formal Dance at POMS *8th Grade Pin Oak Students only!*
  • Tuesday, May 27, 2:00 - 4:00 PM: 8th Grade C House Promotion Ceremony
  • Wednesday, May 28, 2:00 - 4:00 PM: 8th Grade B House Promotion Ceremony
  • Thursday, May 29, 2:00 - 4:00 PM: 8th Grade A House Promotion Ceremony
  • Friday, May 30, 7:45 AM - 4:00 PM: 8th Grade Field Trip to Splashway
  • Tuesday, June 3, 8:30 - 10:30 AM: 8th Grade Breakfast & Yearbook Signing
  • Wednesday, June 4, 9:00 - 11:15 AM: 8th Grade Promotion Parade & Picnic


To be able to provide all of these fun and exciting events for our 8th graders, we need your help and support. If you're wondering what you can do to make these events the most memorable and successful for our kids, please consider:

Sales are now closed for the "Club 8" Ultimate Package, 8th Grade T-Shirt, and Class of 2025 Yard Sign.


You still have an opportunity to purchase a ticket to the 8th grade dance online. For those that did not purchase the "Club 8" Ultimate Package, there will be an opportunity to purchase your panoramic class photo on February 20.


Don't forget to purchase your 8th grade recognition ad!

Want to recognize the accomplishments of your 8th grader in the Pin Oak Yearbook? We are selling recognition ads to be placed on the back pages. Ads are easy to make and a template is provided. Purchase your ad by February 13.


If you have any questions, please email the POMS PTO 8th Grade Activities Chairs Lindsay Colvin & Jennifer Deneen at 8thgradeactivities@pinoakpto.org.


*Event times will be added once they have been confirmed.  Dates subject to change due to HISD updates. 


8th Grade Activities FAQ


Why is the 8th Grade Activities Committee raising money?

  • Your purchase makes it possible for ALL POMS 8th graders to fully enjoy our many scheduled events:
    • 8th Grade Field Trip
      • Plenty of snacks & cold drinks on bus to/from and for duration of field trip
      • POMS covering admission for all 8th graders to attend field trip
      • POMS covering lunch/drinks for all 8th graders at field trip
      • POMS PTO covering chartered coach buses for all 8th graders to/from field trip (~$8,000)  
    • 8th Grade Breakfast
      • Breakfast buffet food and drinks for nearly 400 students
      • Decorations/balloon arches
      • Signing booklet for students who didn't purchase a yearbook
    • 8th Grade Dance
      • DJ
      • Food/drinks for nearly 400 students
      • Photo booths
      • Candy bar buffet
      • Decorations/balloon arches
      • Party favors for nearly 400 students
      • Selfie backgrounds
      • Custodians for cleanup after hours 
    •  8th Grade Promotion Parade & Picnic
      • Photographer
      • Selfie Backgrounds
      • Catered lunch, drinks, snacks, and sweets for nearly 400 students
      • Raffle prizes
      • DJ
      • Decorations/balloon arches


What is included in the "Club 8" Ultimate Package?

  • Exclusive "Club 8" Swag Bag - POMS beach towel, POMS sunglasses, & drawstring backpack ($45)
  • Panoramic Photo ($30)
  • 8th Grade Dance Ticket ($15)
  • 8th Grade T-Shirt ($20)
  • 8th Grade Yard Sign ($20)


Can the above items be purchased individually? 

  • The "Club 8" Swag Bag may not be purchased outside of the "Club 8" Ultimate Package.
  • The dance ticket, t-shirt, and yard sign may be purchased individually on the POMS PTO website.
  • The panoramic photo may be purchased directly from the Goldbeck Company on the day of the panoramic photo. More info to come.


Why underwrite an event?

  • We want to make these events as exciting and memorable as possible for our kids!
  • The only funds we will have is what we raise through the "Club 8" Ultimate Package and the event underwriters.
  • You will also get recognition on a banner in the POMS circle drive and in the POMS PTO Charger Chatter, Website & Social Media.


How many events can I underwrite?

  • You can underwrite ALL events if you want! The Underwriter + "Club 8" Ultimate Package is $208.
  • You can purchase additional underwriting opportunities for $100 each (without the "Club 8" Ultimate Package).


Is there an option to donate in other ways?

  • Yes, you can donate to the 8th Grade Activities Donation Fund.
  • No amount is too small.
  • This fund will go toward t-shirts and dance tickets for those students who our Wraparound Services Coordinator has identified as having a financial hardship.


Can my company make a donation or sponsor specific items for events like the dance floor, photo booth, etc.?

  • Absolutely! Corporate sponsorship opportunities begin at just $250 and include recognition for your company (and its logo) on a banner in the POMS circle drive, as well as in the POMS PTO Charger Chatter, website, and social media!
  • Email corporatesponsors@pinoakpto.org to get started.


What about in-kind donations?

  • Yes, that would be great! If you are able to donate food items, decorations, cool stuff for the swag bag, gift cards for raffle prizes, etc. We would greatly appreciate it!
  • Please email 8thgradeactivities@pinoakpto.org.
  • We have 386 8th graders.


If I am good at something (like making balloon arches, slideshows, photo backdrops, photography, etc.), can I offer my help that way?

  • Yes, please! We are looking for some talented people to help out to make things even memorable for our kids.


When will I receive my items?

  • T-shirts (both à la carte and those part of the "Club 8" Ultimate Package") and panoramic photos will be distributed at school after spring break. Don't worry... your panoramic photo will be protected in a cardboard mailing tube, so it won't get smashed inside your child's backpack.
  • Yard signs will be distributed separately. More details to follow.
  • "Club 8" Swag Bags will be distributed to the students who purchased them on the morning of the field trip as they get on the bus to depart school.
  • Please note that there will be no physical dance ticket; students' names will be on a list at the entrance of the dance.


When is the deadline to purchase my 8th grader's items?

  • The deadline to order is February 1, 2025.
  • This allows us enough time to order the correct quantity of all items without wasteful overages and distribute them right after spring break (minus the "Club 8" Swag Bag which will be given to those who purchased them before they get on the bus to the field trip). Our deadline also allows us to set accurate budgets for each event (as well as a headcount for the dance) prior to signing binding contracts with vendors.




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Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.


Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.



Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.