POMS Letters for Ms. Shoulders' Scrapbook Due


Pin Oak Middle School PTO is presenting Ms. Shoulders with a scrapbook as a thank you gift for her time at Pin Oak Middle School and we need your help!


We are inviting current and former students, parents, faculty and staff to contribute to the scrapbook. Please write a handwritten note (if possible) on either a plain white sheet of copy paper (preferred) or a sheet of notebook (loose leaf) paper. Please use ONE SIDE OF THE PAGE ONLY as it will be glued onto a larger decorative page in the scrapbook.


You can write her a letter wishing her well on her new endeavors, sharing a memory that you have of her, or anything else meaningful that you would like to say.


We are going to present the scrapbook to her on Tuesday after school, so please submit your letter via one of the following ways by Tuesday, June 8th at 12PM:

  • Scan and email your letter to communications@pinoakpto.org
  • Drop off your letter to the front office
  • Drop off your letter to Ms. Chelsea Reynolds' classroom (C111)
  • Drop off your letter in the box on the front porch at 8510 Prichett Drive (Meyerland 77096)


Let's show Ms. Shoulders how much of a positive impact she has made on our community and how much she will be missed! Thank you so much for your support!



Tuesday, June 8, 2021 12:00pm



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Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.


Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.



Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.