POMS 8th Grade Field Trip




The POMS 8th Grade Field Trip to Splashway Waterpark is Friday, May 31. The signed permission slip was due to your child's house office last Friday. (To attend the field trip, students must have completed their NWEA tests and turned in their Chromebooks and library books by Thursday, May 30.)


All 8th grade students must arrive on campus by 7:45 a.m. on Friday, May 31. THE BUSES WILL DEPART PROMPTLY AT 8 AM. Students will return to campus by 4:30 p.m. Please note that students will NOT return to campus in time to ride their HISD bus home. All students must be picked up from campus within 15 minutes of arrival. Please park in the HCC lot to wait for your child; DO NOT block the carpool pickup line in the circle drive at dismissal time.


What to Wear/Bring:

  • Apply sunscreen at home, extra will be available for reapplication.
  • Wear swimsuits under blue POMS 8th Grade T-shirt (or blue POMS Spirit Shirt), and shorts/trunks.
  • Flip Flops, slides, water shoes, or Crocs suggested
  • Bring only what you need for the field trip. Leave books and backpacks at home.
  • Leave phones at home to prevent loss or damage at the waterpark.
    • Teachers and chaperones will be able to communicate with parents as needed via email and Remind, including any delays in return time.
  • Small bag to include a towel, hat if desired, sunblock, sunglasses, refillable water bottle, a set of dry clothes, and a plastic bag for wet clothes.
    • If you purchased "Club 8" or "Club 8 + Underwriter" Packages, the swag bag will include a towel, sunglasses and hat that your student can bring to the park. On the morning of the field trip, these students should report directly to the table in the cafeteria to pick up their swag bag.
  • Lunch will be provided at the park as a special surprise from Principal Vela! Students may bring a sack lunch from home if they don't want what's available from the waterpark concession stand (pizza, hot dogs, etc.) or have special dietary needs.
  • LABEL EVERYTHING that your child brings from home!


What to Expect:

  • Communication throughout the day will be through the POMS Parent Remind group.
    • If you've been receiving messages from Mrs. Vela through Remind this year, you're already signed up.
    • To join, send a text to 81010 with the message @hghga3b.
  • We will not have exclusive access to the waterpark. To minimize security risks, we strongly suggest leaving all phones and valuables at home.
  • Students should arrive at Pin Oak by 7:45 a.m. BUSES DEPART PROMPTLY AT 8 AM. The waterpark is approximately 90 minutes away.
  • POMS Staff and approved PTO volunteers will accompany the students.
  • Dismissal:
    • Dismissal is from Pin Oak only. Return time is estimated to be 4:30 p.m.
    • Students will NOT return to campus in time to ride HISD bus home and must be picked up from campus within 15 minutes of arrival.
    • Park at HCC until the buses drop off and depart. Please do not block the carpool loop.
    • Student safety is our top priority!


If you have any questions about 8th Grade Activities, please email 8thgradeactivities@pinoakpto.org.





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Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.



Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.