Pin Oak Chargers and Parents,
We have an exciting week ahead as our 7th grade Writing STAAR is Tuesday. Our teachers have prepared our students well, and we are confident they will have success. In addition to the Tuesday STAAR, our 6th and 8th graders will have the opportunity to review for their upcoming tests with creative and engaging virtual Power Hour sessions. This is also a busy time of year for Pin Oak athletics and extracurricular activities as we have soccer, baseball, softball, basketball, track, tennis, lacrosse, cross country, and UIL theatre all happening! We are truly thankful for our teachers, coaches, sponsors, and parents who are all working hard to give our students opportunities to grow and develop in and out of the classroom.
7th Grade Parents: On Tuesday, all 7th graders will be taking the STAAR writing exam. Please make sure your child brings her/his charged laptop and headphones. Testing will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m.; please drop your students off no later than 8:20 a.m. Testing will likely end by 1:15/1:30 p.m., and you may pick up your student once testing in the building has been completed. We will have multiple tables set up outside in the circle drive. For safety purposes, you must physically sign out your student. After school-wide testing is dismissed and teachers have returned phones to students, you may text with your child when you arrive for them to come to the main office to be dismissed, or we will call them to the front office directly. This will likely be a slow process as we prioritize student safety. You may elect for your student to remain in office hours in-person for the day, or you may decide to pick up your student after the main pick up rush ends (likely around 2:30-dismissal). Lunch will also be available.
6th and 8th Grade Parents:On Tuesday, we encourage our 6th and 8th graders to join our Power Hour sessions virtually (SEE LINKS IN SECTION BELOW). Students who need to attend school may do so (make sure your student brings a charged laptop and headphones), and will be placed in the cafeteria for the day to engage in the virtual sessions followed by virtual office hours. Lunch will also be available.
As always, thank you,
This Week's Schedule:
Tuesday: STAAR TEST (7th Grade) & VIRTUAL POWER HOUR SESSIONS (6th & 8th Grades)
Wednesday: BLUE
Thursday: SILVER