Pin Oak Community-
I want to give you some information and dates about STAAR since we are getting closer to our testing season:
- While we highly encourage all students to test, there is no penalty for families who choose to opt out this year.
- Per the Texas Education Agency (TEA), all testing must be completed in-person and on-campus for all students. This includes students who are learning virtually. Students will be safely spaced apart per CDC guidelines, with 15-20 students per classroom depending on size.
- STAAR tests at Pin Oak will be administered in an online format using electronic devices on campus. This may be different from what you hear other area schools are doing. I will explain more about STAAR and why we have chosen the online platform for all students (instead of the paper test or a hybrid) below.
At Pin Oak, our 2021 STAAR exams will be used to measure our collective impact on teaching and learning for both our virtual and in-person students. The exams will be used as benchmarks for learning; they will not be factored into any promotional standard for any student.
We will use the data for our current 6th and 7th grade students as an indicator for their schedules next year and opportunities for intervention we need to embed in our master schedule and course planning. We are extremely proud of the work of our teachers and students this year, but also realize the potential need to loop back on specific objectives so ultimately we send our POMS students to high school confident and well prepared.
Traditionally, our 8th grade students do exceptionally well on the exams and their performance is the culmination of our strong programs, dedicated teachers, and the hard work of our students during their time at Pin Oak. The value of seeing this data for our current 8th graders is immense.
This year, we have the opportunity to give the STAAR exam in its new online format. The TEA has mandated a transition plan so all STAAR testing across the state will be administered 100% online by the 2022-2023 school year. This is a great opportunity for our students to get used to taking the test via the new online platform when the grade promotion requirements have been waived and there is less pressure to perform. We want to set up the best testing and learning environment possible, so they feel confident this time and next time they take a high-stakes test using an electronic device. We want this year’s STAAR administration to be a positive learning experience for students.
We will be respectful of the testing environment, but we also seek to maximize our instructional time as we have lost multiple days this year due to COVID and weather. Instead of following their regular class schedules, all students (in-person and virtual) who are not testing on any given testing day will attend an online instructional comprehensive review via Teams for each subject called Content Power Learning by choosing one of the options below:
- Reserving a spot on campus in one of our large communal areas
- Joining their teachers virtually from home
Virtual students who opt out of the STAAR test will be given assignments to complete on the HUB during their scheduled testing times.
An example of the STAAR Testing Day Schedule is below. We will publish the other testing day schedules as we get closer to May. The make-up days are offered for convenience and will not require an alternate bell schedule for the whole campus. Students will test in the library if they need to attend one of the make-up days.