Principal's Post
Dear Charger Parents and Families,
POMS Open House is Tuesday Night at 5:30 PM. Parents will report straight to your Charger’s 1st period. Parents are encouraged to take a picture of their student’s schedule on HISD Connect Parent Portal. You may also download the free Power School app on your mobile phone from the App Store or Google Play and take a screenshot of the schedule. Parents will follow their student’s schedules and have a brief opportunity to meet each of their teachers and hear about course expectations. The purpose of Open House is to put a face to the name, receive contact information, and provide an overview of the class content and expectations for the school year. If you have individual concerns about your student, please email their teacher/ house administrator directly, as these rotations are fast, and we must stay on schedule. Parents will also be given an option to forgo attending the teacher overview by attending one of the parent sessions listed below. |
We have now past the four-week mark, which means we are down to our final two weeks in Cycle 1. Progress Reports were distributed in Team Time last Friday to each student. As always, you have 24/7 access to your student’s grades, attendance, and discipline in HISD Connect Parent Portal, so now is the time for your student to take ownership in their learning. One thing that is important to know in middle school is that students must start working on time management, so they do not procrastinate and run out of time. Remember...Choices Matter! We are holding firm on requiring students to wear their lanyards/ID’s all day, get to class on time, pick up after yourself in the cafeteria, keep your hands to yourself, use appropriate language, and JUST BE NICE! This should be easy, but I sure appreciate your support in holding them accountable. Consequences have begun, so their choices ALWAYS matter. Communication is essential and we strive to connect with our students, parents and families, and community each day. We also encourage you to visit our website and follow our ‘school run’ social media pages including Twitter and Instagram for accurate information on announcements, information, and celebrations. Please email your student’s teachers if you have a specific question or concern regarding their academic success. |
Campus Updates & Reminders
Student Lanyard & ID Each student was issued a grade-specific lanyard and ID last week. All students are expected to wear their lanyards around their necks with their student ID clearly visible. Any student that has their picture covered or defaced will be expected to purchase a new one. This is purely a safety procedure for both your child and our staff, not to mention it speeds up the lunch process. Things to remember: - First lanyard and ID are FREE
- SCHOOL ISSUED Lanyard and ID must be visible (top half of body)
- 6th Grade: Charger White
- 7th Grade: Charger Gray
- 8th Grade: Charger Blue
- Replacement ID $5 and Lanyard $2
- Replacement ID & Lanyard may be purchased from the Student Success Table located by the main entrance.
Tardies I have personally walked the campus from one end to the other and still made it to class on time, so your student should have no problem getting to class on time if they use their time wisely and do not stop to visit with friends between the classes that require the most “walk” time. It is extremely important that students arrive before 8:30 a.m. Any student not in class at 8:30 a.m. will be marked absent/ tardy depending on their time of arrival. We open our doors at 7:45 a.m. so there is more than enough time for students to be in class when the tardy bell rings.
Attendance Students who have been absent or tardy must present a written excuse from their parents or guardians when they return to school. Parents may also email excuse notes to the attendance clerk at: Excuses for absences and tardies are: - personal illness
- sickness or death in the family
- quarantine
- weather or road construction making travel dangerous
- participation in school activities with permission of the principal
- juvenile court proceeding documented by a court officer
- religious holidays
In the case of ANY absence, excuse notes must be turned in to the attendance office within three days of returning to school. All notes must contain the following: - student’s full legal name and school ID number
- date(s) of absence
- date the note was written
- parent name, signature, and contact phone number
Additional information can be found on our website.
Dress Code All students attending Pin Oak Middle School will be required to follow the Pin Oak Dress Code. All articles of the uniform are to be maintained and worn in a way that represents the individual students and the school in a positive way. Students are required to wear the uniform to school and throughout the entire day until leaving for the day. The provisions of the dress and grooming code shall be enforced equally with regard to all students to whom the provisions apply.
Please read our dress code policy carefully. Students that are not in dress code will be referred to their House Administrators and parents/ guardians will be notified. - The length of shorts and skirts should be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee.
- Students must wear a collared shirt; colors: royal blue, white, or gray.
- Clothing must be size appropriate, including sweatshirts and jackets.
- All clothing must be school appropriate. Tank tops, camis, and clothing designed to be worn as an undergarment are not permitted to be worn as a shirt.
Food/ Drinks Outside of the Cafeteria There will be no chewing of gum, food, or candy in the school at any time with the exception of food in the cafeteria. Coffee, energy drinks, and the like are not allowed in classrooms or in the hallways. Teachers may ask students to throw such items in the trash if they show up in their rooms.
Chromebook Expectations All students have a Chromebook, an incredibly powerful tool, with them in the classroom and at home. It is important that we have clear expectations as to the responsibilities that come with this privilege. - Please make sure your student brings their fully charged Chromebook each day. Students are encouraged to leave their chargers at home since paying for a lost charger is one of the most common expenses students incur (lost chargers are not covered by the insurance).
- Students must secure their Chromebook in their clear backpacks when transitioning from class to class.
- Students must use wired headphones. Bluetooth headphones are not allowed.
- Why are Bluetooth headphones problematic? A few reasons are listed below.
- Students can easily hide Bluetooth headphones and listen to music, videos, podcast, etc. during instructional time.
- Students can use their Bluetooth headphones to control their phone, start and stop music, send text messages, be on calls with students in other classrooms, etc.
School Safety & Transportation Reminders School Safety - We are looking for a Golf Cart! Please consider donating a usable golf cart to help us supervise around campus to keep our staff and students safe. We look forward to hearing from you via email Principal Vela. Your support is appreciated.
School Zone Safety Traffic patterns, as expected, were heavy during the first weeks of school. Each day seemed to get a little better, but the reality is, with 1000+ students being dropped off/ picked up from POMS this is going to take some time to get through the traffic. Think of it like this…leaving POMS is like leaving a concert/event parking lot, the same patience and understanding is needed by everyone. With your help, we can get you on your way and clear Circle Drive by 4:15 p.m. Let’s keep helping each other!
The City of Bellaire has asked us to remind parents to follow school zone regulations. - Be on the lookout for school zone signals and ALWAYS obey the speed limits.
- Avoid your cell phone.
- Never text while driving in a school zone.
- Watch out for school crossing guards and obey their signals.
- Never pass other vehicles while driving in a school zone.
- Never change lanes while driving in a school zone.
- Never make U-Turns while driving in a school zone.
- Yield to buses at all times. You MUST stop if you see yellow or red lights, and the stop arm is deployed.
- Unless licensed to do so, never use handicap or emergency vehicle lanes or spaces to drop off or pick up children at school.
Car Riders/ Bike Riders/ Walkers POMS Traffic guidelines are provided below to ensure student safety. Please adhere to the following: - Coming from 610, form 1 line on Glenmont. Please turn right into circle drive and stay in the carpool line. Do not drop-off or pick-up your child(ren) off Glenmont. This may be a time saver for you, but it is not SAFE.
- As you enter circle drive, please pull up as far as you can. When the car ahead of you leaves, please pull up. If your child is not ready, you will be asked to exit the lane and park in the front parking lot. Do not stop your car on the crosswalk.
- Place your car in park and allow your child(ren) to exit the vehicle on the curb side. It is dangerous to exit from the driver side of the vehicle.
- Wait patiently for cars ahead of you to unload. Do not attempt to pass vehicles in the drop-off lane.
- When exiting the school driveway, you must turn right on to Glenmont.
- NEVER leave your car unattended. If you need to enter the school building; please park your car in the parking spaces in the front lot.
- If your child is going to walk or ride his/her bike to school, please remind them to be very careful. They must always obey the traffic signals, and always cross with the light and in the crosswalk. They should never have earbuds/ headphones, AirPods, or any Bluetooth device distracting them when walking or riding their bike. They must stay alert and aware of what is happening around them.
- Students and parents are not allowed to cross in the middle of the street instead of crossing at the crosswalk.
Reminders: - Do Not U-turn on Glenmont.
- Do NOT pick up or drop off in the teacher/staff parking lot at the back of the school.
- Avenue B is NOT a sanctioned pick-up or drop-off location and do NOT block driveways. Bellaire police will give tickets to those who are parked illegally.
- The HCC Parking Lot is NOT available for parking. Your car will be towed.
Lastly, we are all responsible for the safety of our students. Treat every student you see as if they were your own. Please try not to be in a hurry during drop-off and pick-up.
HISD Bus Transportation The Houston ISD Transportation Department determines eligibility for transportation services. The Transportation Department, upon determining eligibility, will assign a route and stop. For more information about eligibility, please visit the HISD Transportation Services Homepage. The information will also be available online at Please click on the ‘Find My Route’ button and enter your address to get your child’s route and stop information. For more information on transportation, please follow the links provided below.
Links and Contact Information for Parents: If you have additional questions, you may contact Ms. Childs Please be patient and flexible, Ms. Childs is working to answer transportation questions for all Pin Oak families; therefore, I encourage you to follow the links provided to have your immediate questions answered.
HISD Back to School Guidelines HISD developed the 2022-2023 Back to School Guidelines as a resource guide for all things HISD. These guidelines outline important information for students, staff, and parents regarding health and safety protocols, academic initiatives, instructional supports and so much more. I encourage you to review these Back-to-School Guidelines to understand all the tools available in HISD. |
Campus Administrators
Campus Support Team
Pin Oak Middle School ~ Premier Foreign Language Magnet is an A rated campus and received ALL distinction designations! - ELA/Reading
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
- Comparative Academic Growth
- Postsecondary Readiness
- Comparative Closing the Gaps
Connecting with you is important to us. As a result, we have many ways to share the latest and greatest of Pin Oak Middle School, including:
See You Soon!
Lindsey Vela |
| Join us Tomorrow for POMS Spirit Night at CounterCommon
Join the POMS community for our first Spirit Night of the 2022-23 school year at CounterCommon, located at 5413 Bellaire Blvd, Bellaire, TX 77401 on Monday, September 19 from 4-9 p.m.
CounterCommon will donate 10% of all food and merchandise purchases back to Pin Oak Middle School. Simply provide your server with the code POMSCCBK22 or tell your server you are with the POMS community.
Download the flyer here. |
| POMS PTO General Meeting on Tuesday, September 20th
Join us for our first POMS PTO General Meeting of the school year!
When? Tuesday, September 20th, 9 - 10 a.m. Where? Parents have two options to attend: - Attend in-person at Pin Oak Middle School (DLL room in library)
- Attend view-only meeting via Microsoft Teams (please note that Q&A will not be enabled for the virtual attendees)
If you plan to attend the meeting in person, please make sure to arrive at least 15-20 minutes ahead of time to get checked in at the front office. All attendees must be VIPS approved by HISD. |
| POMS Online School Store is Open!
We will fulfill orders once a week and let you know when they are available for pick up. Your student may pick up their items in the school store during their lunch period. Yard signs will only be available as porch pick-up.
Please note that when purchasing uniforms in person at the school store, prices are slightly higher for sales tax and the ease of cash transactions.
T-Shirts/Polos - $22.00 Sweatshirts - $33.00 Long Sleeve Spirit Shirts - $27.00
Please feel free to reach out to with any questions or concerns. Thank you for supporting the POMS PTO! |
| HISD Office of School Choice Update
Please visit for an important update from our Chief of Schools regarding the 2023-2024 school choice application timeline. Applications for the 2023-24 school year will open in December!
A Special Message from Chief of Schools Denise Watts: HISD Community, School Choice Timeline is Changing! In Houston ISD, all families have districtwide access to unparalleled educational opportunities, and now the school choice application process is changing to better meet family needs! HISD will be opening phase one of the school choice application in December 2022 through February 2023. Phase two of the application process will open in April 2023 and go through June 2023. This will provide families with the time to settle into the current school year before they have to decide on the school that they want to attend for the next school year. The district is also rolling out a new application system to help streamline and improve the school choice application experience. - Who Should Apply in December?
- Current HISD families that prefer for their child to transfer to another HISD school for the 23-24 school year â—‹ Families that will be new to HISD in the 23-24 school year
- Families that are seeking to apply to a specific program that is not available at their child’s current and / or zoned school
- Families with a child in a transitional grade
- Families who want to enroll in their zoned neighborhood school
- Families that have moved away from their formerly zoned HISD school
- Out-of-district families seeking to attend a HISD school in the 23-24 school year
- Who Does Not Need To Apply In December?
- If your child is currently enrolled in an HISD school in a non-transitional grade, and you would like them to continue at that school for the 23-24 school year, you do not need to submit an application.
In the meantime, families should check-out HISD’s new School Finder platform to explore the vast opportunities available in HISD and help families find the school that’s right for them.
Please contact the Office of School Choice with any questions. |
| POMS Amazon Wishlist
Please consider helping us purchase items on the Pin Oak Amazon Wish List.
Thank you so much for your generosity! |
| Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
Do you know a business who is looking for corporate sponsorship opportunities?
Pin Oak offers a variety of sponsorship levels and benefits, including school-wide newsletter and website recognition, banner display in a prominent location on campus, marquee signage and much more! By partnering with businesses in our community, we raise funds for teacher, student, classroom and technology support, curriculum enrichment, staff appreciation, and facility enhancements.
Contact POMS PTO Co-VP of Fundraising & Corporate Sponsors Chair Dawn Johnson for more details. |
| Incarnate Word Academy - Open School Day on October 5th
Do you have an 8th-grade girl interested in using their October 5th HISD holiday to begin visiting potential future high school campuses?
On October 5th, eighth-grade girls can register to visit Incarnate Word Academy's High School campus in downtown Houston for their 'Open School - Visit Day'!
This event allows 8th-grade girls to immerse themselves for a school day in the life of an IWA student.
Students can see on campus the young women and faculty of this Catholic college preparatory in action.
Get a look at IWA academic programs, athletic opportunities, fine arts offerings and the Academy's unique 'Young Leaders Program'.
We hope to see you there! Registration is required.
Register at: |
| Bellaire Belles Dance Clinic on October 8th
Calling All Dancers! The Bellaire Belles are hosting a dance clinic on Saturday, October 8, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to noon in the BHS gym for boys and girls K-12th grade.
Cost is $40 in advance, $45 at the door and for registrations received after Friday, September 30th.
Participants will receive a Belles Dance Clinic T-Shirt (not guaranteed for walk-ins), snack, and certificate.
Full details and registration information can be found here. |
| Join the POMS PTO for 2022-2023
Join the Pin Oak Middle School PTO and help the students, teachers, fine arts, athletics, and academic programs at our school.
Membership is just $10.
Membership must be renewed each year, as annual membership expires at the end of each school year on June 30.
If you have any questions, please email POMS PTO Membership ChairChrissy Abaza. |
| Updates Coming Soon: Mrs. Vela's POMS Parent Group 2022-2023 on Remind
Look for updates in next week's Charger Chatter. |
| Register for VIPS (Volunteers in Public School)
All volunteers in HISD must register to be VIPS approved. Please register at least two weeks before your scheduled volunteer shift, as it can take three to five business days to complete the background check. Even if you were previously VIPS approved, you will need to register again as your approval expires at the end of each school year.
VIPS Registration VIPS Registration (Español) |
| POMS After School Care
Pin Oak is Now Enrolling Students for the 2022-2023 After School Program
POMS offers an after school program for students whose parents are not able to greet their child at the 4:00 p.m. dismissal time. Our program runs Monday through Friday from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. If you don’t need the program daily, but might needed it occasionally, please note that we also offer drop-in service, when needed. For application and additional information, please review the application or you may contact Ms. Norma Ruiz at 713 295-6500 or email To secure your spot, please make payment using and forward your application to |
| Update Information for POMS Directory
Log in to update your directory info or sign up for a new account if you're a new user. If you have used Membership Toolkit at another school, you may log in using your same account information.
The POMS PTO uses the Membership Toolkit platform across the board, so you'll need an account to receive the Charger Chatter, shop at the online School Store, join the PTO, and more! It can all be found at
Also, be sure to download the free Membership Toolkit app on the App Store or Google Play, so you'll have the school directory and school calendar with you at all times on your mobile device! You can even sync the PTO calendar to your phone's calendar and opt to receive push notifications for important announcements!
If you have any issues signing up or logging in, please contact the POMSPTO VP of Communications Rebecca Grazier. |
| Attention Girls Born in 2008: Join Westbury Soccer Club
Westbury Soccer Club (incorporated in 1977) is seeking more athletes born in 2008 who are interested in playing girls soccer this coming fall, otherwise they won't be able to field a team for this age group! The club offers effective coaching, excellent camaraderie of players, and a cohesive community of parents.
Interested parties born in 2008 and desiring to play girls' soccer this fall, please contact Blaine McElroy, Director of Coaching for Westbury Soccer Club, at |
| Empowering Houston's LGBTQIA+ Youth
Hatch Youth is Houston’s oldest, currently active social group dedicated to empowering LGBTQIA+ youth between the ages of 7 and 20. Hatch Youth groups provide a safe and affirming environment where youth can socialize, make new friends, and engage in educational and creative activities to help youth in and around Houston not just survive, but thrive.
Educational programs include: LGBTQIA+ health issues and accessing care Mental health and wellness LGBTQIA+ rights Queer history Creative writing and art Social justice Community resources Empowering community speakers
The groups are comprised of introductions, social time, programming, and small group, and are curated by Hatch staff and trained volunteer facilitators. Youth have access to role models and peer support and can participate in special projects and events, including Hatch Prom and walking in the annual Pride Houston Parade. There are no costs for any activities. |
| Say Something Anonymous Reporting
Pin Oak Middle School implemented the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System last October. Sponsored by Sandy Hook Promise, the program educates secondary students, educators and administrators on how to recognize the signs and signals of individuals who may be at-risk of hurting themselves or others and encourages them to report that behavior through an anonymous reporting system. The reporting system allows administrators and law enforcement to create effective interventions and help prevent violence, suicide, bullying, self-harm and other forms of threatening behavior.
Anyone can submit an anonymous tip by going to the program’s website (, calling the hotline (1-844-5-SAYNOW) or using the Say Something mobile app, available on the App Store or Google Play.
The Say Something program is provided through Sandy Hook Promise, a nation-wide non-profit organization focused on preventing gun violence before it happens. For more information, contact Anastasia Warren at 712.296.5600.
Submit an anonymous tip:
Say Something Parent Guide Say Something Parent Brochure |
| Monday, September 19 | | Tuesday, September 20 | | | Thursday, September 22 | | Saturday, September 24 | | | Tuesday, September 27 | | Thursday, September 29 | | Friday, September 30 | | Saturday, October 1 | | | Tuesday, October 4 | | Wednesday, October 5 | | Thursday, October 6 | | Friday, October 7 | | Saturday, October 8 | | Monday, October 10 | | Wednesday, October 12 | | | | Thursday, October 13 | | Friday, October 14 | | Saturday, October 15 | | Monday, October 17 | | Tuesday, October 18 | | Monday, October 24 | | Tuesday, October 25 | | Wednesday, October 26 | | | Thursday, October 27 | | Friday, October 28 | | Tuesday, November 1 | | Friday, November 4 | | Saturday, November 5 | | |
 When you shop at, Amazon will donate a percentage to Pin Oak Middle School PTO. |
|  Use the new Box Tops App on the App Store or Google Play to scan your receipt. The app will find participating products purchased at any store and instantly add cash to Pin Oak Middle School PTO's earnings online. |
Donate to Pin Oak Middle School PTO when you do your everyday shopping! All donations support excellence in education through activities and programs at Pin Oak Middle School. |
We Appreciate Our Corporate Sponsors & Community Partners |