Principal's Post
Dear Charger Parents and Families,
The end of the school year should be a time of review, reflection, and celebration, but the end of this year brings much more than that. There has never been a year like this one and the past few weeks have certainly provided an opportunity for reflection, celebration, and for looking forward. We have all been through so much over the past two years and it appears we may finally have turned a corner and are headed toward brighter, better, and normal days ahead. As we round the corner into the final 11 days of school, our students have proven over and over again that they can persevere. We aren’t finished yet, but I urge every student to review, reflect, and celebrate every accomplishment and challenge overcome this school year.
After two full weeks of STAAR/EOC/AP testing, I’m happy to say we are done! There is an incredible amount of time spent in coordinating, scheduling, and providing technical support while organizing student testing, so special thanks to Mrs. Warren for all of her efforts. Thanks also to teachers and staff for their flexibility and support for our students.
POMS Family Friendly School 2021-2022 The HISD Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Department has named Pin Oak Middle School a Gold Certified Family Friendly School for the 2021-2022 school year! POMS will receive the official banner and plaque during the fall semester.
Modified Schedule (May 23 - 27) With the math department administering the algebra placement exam, finalizing the EOY Ren360 assessment, and our 8th graders attending their end of year field trip to Splashway Waterpark this Tuesday, the campus will be on a modified schedule. Please refer to the schedule below. |
POMS Book Fair Books bring us together! Take a few minutes to check out our Book Fair homepage for more information. The book fair will run May 23-27.
Update Your Contact Information in HISDConnect Parents, now is the time to update your contact information in HISDConnect and be sure that we have your address, working phone number(s), and an email address linked to your student’s account.
This is very important as we will need accurate information to contact you over the summer with information about Charger Camp 2022 and PowerUp parent information sessions.
Required Immunizations for Rising 7th Graders - Tdap – 1 dose of Tdap is required if at least 5 years have passed since the last dose of tetanus-containing vaccine.
- Meningococcal (MCV4) – 1 dose of quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine is required on or after the student’s 11th birthday. If a student received the vaccine at 10 years of age, this will satisfy the requirement.
If your child is a rising 7th grader, s/he MUST have the vaccines listed above in addition to all previously required vaccinations, or risk being removed from school until proof of vaccination is presented.
For more information, visit the Texas Health & Human Services website.
Where to go for low cost immunizations?
Contact Nurse Troetscher at or 713.295.6500 if you have questions.
2022-2023 Course Requests Open Through June 8 It is time to request classes for next year. There’s an abundance of new electives coming here to POMS: Athletics, AVID, Broadcast/Journalism, Japanese Language & Culture, Model UN, Odyssey of the Mind, Persian Language & Culture, Principles of Information Technology (PIT), Tech Apps, and Tech Team. These requests are NOT a guarantee that you will be placed into these specific courses. There are many factors that go into creating a schedule, including standardized and district assessment results.
Below you will find links to the 2022-2023 POMS Course Catalog and grade level course requests.
Course requests are open now through June 8, 2022.
Rising 6th Graders: You will get a chance to request your electives and level of core subjects (on-level, HISD Advanced) for each subject. If a student does not pass the 2022 STAAR exam, they will automatically be put in on- level and intervention courses.
Rising 7th & 8th Graders:You must use your HISD log-in to complete the Google form. All levels of academic courses will stay the same. If a student does not pass the 2022 STAAR exam, they will automatically be put in on-level and intervention courses.
Athletics for 7th & 8th Graders: This is a class specific to student-athletes. Students will work on drills and training for Pin Oak sports. Requirement: Student physical, profile on Register My Athlete, and medical insurance information must be submitted to the Athletic Coordinator no later than August 19, 2022. Students who sign up for athletics must commit to tryout and/or participate in one sport (minimum). No exceptions.
High School Credit Classes - 7th Grade Algebra placement will be finalized over the summer.
- 8th Grade Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) placement will be determined over the summer. Science grades and performance on district assessments will be reviewed before approval of placement in this class.
- 8th Grade Principles of Information Technology (PIT) placement will be determined over the summer. Science and math grades and performance on district and state assessments will be reviewed before approval of placement in this class.
All academic and IEP/504/IAT/HB4545 requirements will take priority over any request made.
Elective Course Descriptions 6th Grade Course Requests 7th/8th Grade Course Requests
*Schedules are subject to change at any time. |
Sports Physicals 2022-2023 Any student interested in participating in Athletics for the 2022-2023 school year must complete the requirements listed below by Friday, August 19.
Athletic Physicals are a MANDATORY REQUIREMENT. They are not optional! No student will be allowed to participate on an athletic team or practices without a current Athletic Physical. Athletic Physicals are good for the duration of one (1) year and physicals should be taken prior to the start of the school year. Please make sure that you give a copy of the Athletic Physical to the Athletic Coordinator or School Nurse. Also, make certain to keep a copy for your personal records!
Please see the links and content below regarding athletic requirements and the sports physicals clinic being hosted at Pin Oak Middle School in August 2022. The sports physical clinic sign-up link will be shared in the coming weeks. The cost is $20 CASH ONLY.
Please contact Coach Carter, POMS Athletic Coordinator, if you have any questions.
POMS Sports Physical Clinics - Friday, June 3 (12PM - 4PM)*
- Friday, August 19 (Time TBD)*
CAMPUS REMINDERS: The front office is open Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to assist you. You can also directly email us or call 713-295-6500 during the same hours. We are happy to help!
Electronic Devices The use of electronic devices (including, but not limited to earbuds, AirPods, or headphones), unless allowed by teacher/administrator for educational purposes, is not permitted during the school day, including transitions or in the hallways. Electronic devices are not allowed in the restrooms. Staff members are allowed to confiscate and safeguard a student’s cell phone or other devices until the end of the school day. Students who do not comply with a staff member’s request will face further discipline, as outlined in the code of conduct, including detentions or retrieval of a device by a parent/guardian. Per the POMS Handbook 2021-2022 (pages 8-9) and in accordance with Texas Education Code 37.082, a $15 administrative fee will be collected by the POMS Business Office upon return of the device.
Attendance Attendance matters. We have noticed an increase in student absences and tardies without notification to the main office as to the reason for the absence. Written excuses should be in the school’s possession no later than three days after the day of the absence or tardy. The three-day period begins with the day the student returns to school. Please note that missing even one class period to attend a doctor's appointment requires a written excuse to the attendance clerk within the three-day window. Simply signing the checkout sheet when picking up your child during school hours does not fulfill this requirement or excuse your child from that absence.
Students may enter the building at 7:45 a.m. Students must be in their seats by 8:30 a.m. If a student arrives late, they will be required to get a tardy pass from their house office. No student should be on school grounds any earlier than 7:45 a.m. as there is NO SUPERVISION until 7:45 a.m.
If you have any questions regarding attendance or to submit your written excuse electronically, please email our attendance clerk, Michelle Fusilier Johnson, at
IDs & Lanyards Thank you to the majority of our campus that is consistently wearing IDs and lanyards daily! You are noticed and appreciated.
If you do not have your ID or lanyard, you can purchase a new ID for $5 and a lanyard for $2 at the Student Success Table each morning from 7:45 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.
Why IDs? It’s all about campus safety and security. It makes students easily identifiable to ANY STAFF MEMBER (there are 115 adults in the building each day and not all of them will know your student or vice versa) in case of an emergency. Thank you for helping us keep OUR students safe. It’s my responsibility, so your cooperation and support is appreciated. |
Admin Contact Information
Campus Administrators
Campus Support Team
Connecting with you is important to us. As a result, we have many ways to share the latest and greatest of Pin Oak Middle School, including:
Be well and stay healthy,
Lindsey Vela |
| POMS Book Fair is This Week Only
Books bring us together! Take a few minutes to check out our Book Fair homepage for more information. The book fair will run May 23-27. |
| POMS Spirit Night at Escalantes is Monday, May 23
Join the POMS community for the last POMS Spirit Night of the 2021-2022 school year at Escalante's on Monday, May 23.
Give yourself a night off from cooking and let the kids blow off some steam after two weeks of STAAR testing!
Escalante's is located at 590 Meyerland Plaza. Mention Pin Oak Middle School and 20% of the sales (excluding tax and alcohol) will be donated back to Pin Oak.
We can't wait to see you there! |
| POMS 8th Grade Field Trip to Splashway is Tuesday, May 24 (Rain or Shine!)
All 8th grade students must arrive on campus by 8:15 a.m. on Tuesday, May 24. Students will return to campus by 4:30 p.m. Please note that students will NOT return to campus in time to ride their HISD bus home. All students must be picked up from campus.
MAKE SURE YOU HAVE COMPLETED STEPS 1 & 2: 1. Complete this Google Form AND 2. Return the HISD permission slip inEnglish or Spanish to your child's cluster leader (8A: Colin Dabbs, 8B: Austin St. Denis, 8C: Joan Linsley)
What to Wear/Bring: - Apply sunscreen at home, extra will be available for reapplication.
- Wear swimsuits under blue Pin Oak or 8th grade T-shirts and shorts/trunks.
- Bring only what you need for the field trip. Leave books and backpacks at home (yay!).
- Leave phones at home to prevent loss or damage at the waterpark.
- Teachers and chaperones will be able to communicate with parents as needed via email (make sure you're signed up for a Membership ToolKit account), including any delays in return time.
- Small bag to include a towel, hat if desired, sunblock, sunglasses, refillable water bottle, a set of dry clothes if desired, and a plastic bag for wet clothes.
- If you purchased an Underwriter or "Club 88" Package, the swag bag will include a towel, sunglasses and hat that your student can bring to the park. On the morning of the field trip, these students should report directly to the table in the cafeteria to pick up the swag bag.
- Sack lunch unless you chose the school lunch option on the Google Form.
- Snacks and water will be provided.
- LABEL EVERYTHING that your child brings from home.
What to Expect: - Sign up for Membership Toolkit to receive communication, photos, and other information on the day of the trip.
- If you receive the Charger Chatter, you're already signed up.
- The park is open to the public and other visitors on the day of our visit and may be crowded. To minimize security risks, leave phones and valuables at home.
- Students should arrive at Pin Oak between 7:45 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. BUSES DEPART PROMPTLY at 8:30 a.m. The waterpark is approximately 90 minutes away.
- Breakfast will be available as usual on the morning of the field trip.
- POMS Staff and approved PTO volunteers will accompany the students.
- Dismissal:
- Dismissal is from Pin Oak only. Return time is estimated to be 4:30 p.m.
- Students will NOT return to campus in time to ride HISD bus home and must be picked up from campus within 15 minutes of arrival.
- Park at HCC until the buses drop off and depart. Please do not block the carpool loop.
- Student safety is our top priority!
If you have any questions about 8th Grade Activities, please email |
| POMS 8th Grade Day of Fun is Tuesday, June 7
The 8th graders will go out with a bang on their very last day at Pin Oak. Students will be lined up by their clusters and parade through the halls while the other grades celebrate them as they process out to the fields for their final party.
Parents are invited to be inside the building in the hallway between the cafeteria and gym to view the parade. Please respect the limit of 2 guests per student if you plan to watch the parade inside.You must be signed in at the front desk by 8:30 a.m. Additional family members and those arriving after 8:30 a.m. will be invited to see the students as they exit the building, outside of the gym doors.
8th graders will enjoy yard games, a DJ, and lots of outdoor fun from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Snacks, Lunch, and dessert will be served to students only throughout the event, with LOTS of water available!
Students that are picked up at the end of the party will need to be signed out by a parent at the outdoor check-out table. (This sign out station is for 8th grade students only).
Remaining students will return to a classroom for the rest of the school day.
We are looking for 7th grade parents that can help during the first hour, so that all 8th grade volunteers can observe the parade. Additionally, we need 8th grade parents to stick around to help make this a DAY OF FUN! |
| Foster POMS Chickens Over the Summer
We are seeking summer foster homes for our six hens from May 26 through August 26. Your family can foster a minimum of two. Please have a coop already. Adoption is option as well.
For more information, please contact either Ms. Angela Roth at or Ms. Gina Taylor at |
| POMS 2021-2022 Yearbook Distribution & Sales
Preorders of yearbooks purchased online will be distributed to students during lunches on Tuesday, May 31. Students with a preordered book will receive a notification in their email on Friday, May 27. Extra yearbooks will be sold for $55 cash only on a first come, first served basis before school and during lunches on Wednesday, June 1-Thursday, June 2. Books will also be sold on Friday, June 3 if any still remain.
Please email Ms. Beckman at with any questions. |
| Thank You to 2022-23 PTO Nominating Committee
Thank you to the following POMS parents for serving on the 2022-23 PTO Nominating committee: LaQuita Buffone, Courtney Cernosek, Jenny Dagley, Jean Lee, Gretchen Rossitto, Kinsey Wall, Shannon Westin, and Karen Yeager.
| Purchase Your POMS Giving Tree Leaf
"Leaf" your mark on Pin Oak Middle School!
Honor your Pin Oak student (or favorite POMS teacher, coach, or athletic team) by purchasing a custom laser-engraved stainless steel leaf to add to our Giving Tree, which is displayed at the front entrance of the school.
Leaves will be installed before the first day of school in August. The cost is only a $300 tax-deductible donation to Pin Oak Middle School PTO.
If you have any questions, please email POMS PTO Giving Tree Chair Judy Cheng at |
| Deadline to Complete Algebra Placement Coursework is Friday, May 27
Pin Oak has always been proud of the success of its high school math program. With instruction in Algebra and Geometry delivered by experienced, highly effective teachers, we strive to instill our love of mathematics and prepare our students for the challenges they will face when they leave our campus.
The 6th and 7th grade math teachers have been discussing our Algebra placement process with their classes. This year, current 6th and 7th grade students will be completing the required additional coursework this spring, with a deadline for completion by May 27.
We encourage families to discuss this potential option with their child to determine their level of interest in the program. Please click here for the necessary information. |
| POMS Online School Store Orders
The POMS School Store on campus is closed for the remainder of the school year, but the POMS Online School Store is open for all your POMS uniform needs!
Online orders will be available for pick up during Charger Camp in August.
Please do not stop by the school to pick up your online order. If you have any questions, please contact us at
| 2022 HISD Visual Arts Summer Intensives Student Registration Now Open
Summer Intensives are open to all fine arts focused students 2nd-11th grade district wide! High level art instruction, all supplies provided, weekly field trips! Online application must be completed by June 8, 2022. |
| POMS Boys' Lacrosse Team Interest Form
If you're interested in being on the POMS Boys' Lacrosse team for the 2022-23 season, please sign up using this Google form.
Please email Coach Austin St. Denis with any questions. |
| STEM, Fine Arts & Volleyball Summer Camps in Downtown Houston for Girls
Join Incarnate Word Academy for its annual summer camp experience throughout the month of June.
This is a great opportunity to have fun in the heart of downtown on a high school campus while making new friends. IWA camps are open to current middle school girls.
Camps Featured: Volleyball, Dance, Science, Technology, Theatre & Art.
Come enjoy some summer camp fun in the heart of the city! |
| Empowering Houston's LGBTQIA+ Youth
Hatch Youth is Houston’s oldest, currently active social group dedicated to empowering LGBTQIA+ youth between the ages of 7 and 20. Hatch Youth groups provide a safe and affirming environment where youth can socialize, make new friends, and engage in educational and creative activities to help youth in and around Houston not just survive, but thrive.
Educational programs include: LGBTQIA+ health issues and accessing care Mental health and wellness LGBTQIA+ rights Queer history Creative writing and art Social justice Community resources Empowering community speakers
The groups are comprised of introductions, social time, programming, and small group, and are curated by Hatch staff and trained volunteer facilitators. Youth have access to role models and peer support and can participate in special projects and events, including Hatch Prom and walking in the annual Pride Houston Parade. There are no costs for any activities. |
| Westside HS Volleyball Camp
Location: Westside High School Cost: $150 Rising 4th-8th Graders: June 13-16, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Rising 9th Graders: June 13-16, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
If you have any questions, please contact Head Coach Andre King at or call (281) 920-8000 ext. 036255.
Please mail registration form to: Westside Volleyball, 14201 Briar Forest Dr., Houston, TX 77077
Payment methods: Money Order, Cashier Check or Cash Made payable to: Westside Volleyball |
| Say Something Anonymous Reporting
Pin Oak Middle School implemented the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System last October. Sponsored by Sandy Hook Promise, the program educates secondary students, educators and administrators on how to recognize the signs and signals of individuals who may be at-risk of hurting themselves or others and encourages them to report that behavior through an anonymous reporting system. The reporting system allows administrators and law enforcement to create effective interventions and help prevent violence, suicide, bullying, self-harm and other forms of threatening behavior.
Anyone can submit an anonymous tip by going to the program’s website (, calling the hotline (1-844-5-SAYNOW) or using the Say Something mobile app, available on the App Store or Google Play.
The Say Something program is provided through Sandy Hook Promise, a nation-wide non-profit organization focused on preventing gun violence before it happens. For more information, contact Anastasia Warren at 712.296.5600.
Submit an anonymous tip:
Say Something Parent Guide Say Something Parent Brochure |
| HERO Program
Pin Oak Middle School has a new positive behavior program named HERO. Students receive points for demonstrating Charger Core Values: Being Respectful, Being Responsible, and Being Resilient. Students and parents can see the points that are granted in real time once an account is created.
Parents please create an account on HERO so you can track your student's positive behavior and encourage them to be Charger Heroes on campus.
Then download the mobile app Hero by SchoolMint on the App Store or Google Playso you can track your student's HERO points at any time!
Please view this PDF that outlines step by step instructions on how to create a parent account and add your HISD student(s) to that account. |
| POMS Lanyards/IDs Things to remember: - First ID and lanyard are FREE
- SCHOOL-ISSUED lanyard and ID must be visible (top half of body)
- 6th Grade: Charger White lanyard
- 7th Grade: Charger Gray lanyard
- 8th Grade: Charger Blue lanyard
- Replacement ID ($5) & lanyard ($2)
- Replacement ID & lanyard may be purchased at the main office student support table before school or during lunches
| Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
Do you know a business who is looking for corporate sponsorship opportunities?
Pin Oak offers a variety of sponsorship levels and benefits, including school-wide newsletter and website recognition, banner display in a prominent location on campus, marquee signage and much more! By partnering with businesses in our community, we raise funds for teacher, student, classroom and technology support, curriculum enrichment, staff appreciation, and facility enhancements.
Contact POMS PTO Co-VP of Fundraising & Corporate Sponsors Chair Dawn Johnson for more details. |
| Register for VIPS (Volunteers in Public School)
All volunteers in HISD must register to be VIPS approved. Please register at least two weeks before your scheduled volunteer shift, as it can take three to five business days to complete the background check. Even if you were previously VIPS approved, you will need to register again as your approval expires at the end of each school year.
VIPS Registration VIPS Registration (Español) |
| Monday, May 23 | | Tuesday, May 24 | | Friday, May 27 | | Monday, May 30 | | Friday, June 3 | | Tuesday, June 7 | | | | | | Wednesday, June 8 | | Thursday, June 9 | | Friday, June 10 | |
 When you shop at, Amazon will donate a percentage to Pin Oak Middle School PTO. |
|  Use the new Box Tops App on the App Store or Google Play to scan your receipt. The app will find participating products purchased at any store and instantly add cash to Pin Oak Middle School PTO's earnings online. |
Donate to Pin Oak Middle School PTO when you do your everyday shopping! All donations support excellence in education through activities and programs at Pin Oak Middle School. |
We Appreciate Our Corporate Sponsors & Community Partners |