Dear Charger Parents and Families,
The 2nd six weeks is a wrap and the 3rd six weeks kicks off tomorrow! As I said last week, our POMS students and staff have done an amazing job treating one another with kindness. As a proud Charger Nation, please join me in setting a positive example as we continue our focus on social awareness: the ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others. We are committed to success, kindness, and acceptance in the building, on the field or court, and beyond the POMS walls! #WeArePinOak.
Thank you so much to all of our parents and students for reaching out to your teachers for help and asking questions about assignments, tests, and grades. Please continue to email your student’s teachers, as they can assist you the quickest with classroom questions.
Though water fountains are still disabled due to the district's COVID-19 health and safety protocols, students are able to use any of the five water filling stations on campus to refill water bottles brought from home. Beginning tomorrow, please send a water bottle with your child to school each day. Please make sure your child's name is clearly labeled on it. Thank you for your help in keeping our students safe, healthy, and hydrated!
Congratulations to the Advanced Theatre cast and crew for an incredible performance of their play “Small Actors” at the UIL District competition this week. Three members of the company received awards at the competition: Nia Covington for Outstanding Technician, Naz Demir received Honorable Mention for acting, and Seneca Lyster was acknowledged as an All-Star Performer. Also awarded last week at the Zone competition were Kathryn Balke (Outstanding Technician) and Paul Gau and Abby Freedman (Honorable Mentions for acting). Congratulations again to this incredible group of artists for all of their hard work!